
Tire Shop and
Mobile Tire Service

(403) 472-4246
Local & Family Owned



Tire Safety

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Tire Safety

Your tires, your brakes and your vehicle’s safety systems (seatbelts, airbags, etc.) are the three main components that that keep you alive in your vehicle when they are needed. We typically don’t think much about them but it’s critical that they perform their role when we need them most.

There is a reason the phrase, “where the rubber hit’s the road,” came about. Your tires are the last point of contact between terra firma and the 6000 pounds of steel and glass, otherwise known as your car, that you are riding in at 28 meters per second at highway speeds. How well they perform is affected by many variables such as speed, road and atmospheric conditions just to name a few. While we can’t control every variable, we can make decisions in choosing a tire that will perform best under most of the conditions you are likely to encounter.

Your safety is one of our primary concerns here at Tires On the Run. It is precisely why we ask questions about your typical driving conditions and environment when you look to us for tires. We don’t so much just sell tires as we do match you to the tires to which you are best suited. When our service is complete, we want you to know that the rubber that your car is on is safe, you’ve gotten full value for your money and that you’ve made the best possible tire choice for the environment that you are likely to encounter.

This is one of our critical core values here at Tires On The Run and one of the key factors that we feel separates us from our competitors.

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Phone: (403) 472-4246
Address: #102 - 143 East Lake Blvd NE
Airdrie, AB T4A 2G1
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