
Tire Shop and
Mobile Tire Service

(403) 472-4246
Local & Family Owned



Fix Your Flat for FREE Day Fundraiser ***UPDATED***

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Fix Your Flat for FREE Day Fundraiser ***UPDATED***


Thank you Airdrie.

Thanks to your generosity we have raised $6405.00 on this one day event.

Fundraising Pic

We'd like to make a special shout out and thank you to all the participating businesses that helped out. Thanks to all who came by in person and generously donated to the fundraiser. While the McPhail's are still a bit shy, they are getting closer to their goal and your contribution helped. From all of us here at Tires On The Run, Thank You so much for pitching in. You have our sincerest gratitude.

Roger, Angela and the crew at Tires On The Run



“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” - Winston Churchill

From time to time we pause to remember this idea at Tires On The Run. On the heels of Thanksgiving, we take time to reflect on how much we have been blessed by the support of our community and look for opportunities to give back.  We have found a very worthy cause and are asking if you would take a few moments to consider joining us.

We have become aware of a family in need in Airdrie and have put together a means of raising some funds to help them over a few bumps in their journey. Garvin and Kayla McPhail’s eldest son suffers from cerebral palsy. Their son Bronson has just turned six years old and was Bronsondiagnosed with cerebral palsy when he was two.  Bronson is a vibrant young boy who is fully aware of what is going on around him. Despite his physical challenges he is a happy young lad and enjoys experiencing life with others.

As he grows older however, the family is finding it increasingly difficult to get him out for treatments and outings in their car. With his deficient muscle tone and necessity for a car seat, you can imagine the difficulty these conditions would pose to Mom trying to get a growing boy into a car. The family is in need of a specially equipped van to accommodate his wheelchair for basic transportation and family outings. These customized vans can cost over $100,000 which is a pretty steep price tag for a young family and their goal is to raise $75000.

This is where we can help. On Friday October 21, we are offering a Fix Your Flat for FREE Day here at Tires On the Run. For a donation of any amount to the family, Tires On The Run will fix your flat or leaking tire and/or inspect your tires and match the donations collected up to $500.

***UPDATE*** Another local business has also joined in our efforts!

Back Roads Auto Glass has generously offered to repair windshield chips for no charge, with donations going towards the McPhail’s van as well! 

If you don’t have a flat tire but would still like to make a donation, they will be accepted as well.

A few of our local business friends hopped on board as well pledging various amounts to the cause. To date, those who have pledged to join the cause are;

  • All Fits Automotive,
  • Maaco Autobody Shop and Painting,
  • Brockways Automotive,
  • ATR Logistics,
  • Airdrie Registries,
  • Snap-On (Airdrie),
  • Big Ben Cleaning,
  • North Country Tire,
  • Back Roads Auto Glass

Note that Back Roads Auto Glass will be onsite for the day fixing rock chips so it's a great opportunity to get your car ready for winter.

Special thanks to those companies that have recognized that it takes a village to raise a child and opted to help out.

You may also note that 100% of the money collected here on on-site and through contributing businesses will go directly to the family for a new adapted vehicle. The family also has a Go Fund Me account set up which you can find at  They have raised a significant amount toward their goal and we are hoping to help them cross the finish line with this initiative.

We are asking that you help us help others on Friday, October 21 and experience a little piece of what makes our community a great place to call home.

Location:  143 East Lake Blvd. NE, Airdrie, AB. 

If you own or represent a company that would be interested in participating in this event, please contact us at [email protected] – We would LOVE to see what we can do!

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Phone: (403) 472-4246
Address: #102 - 143 East Lake Blvd NE
Airdrie, AB T4A 2G1
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